jazakALLAH khair
English Translation of Al-Quran
[11].Surah Hud (PBUH)
Ayat 21. They are those who have lost their ownselves, and their invented false deities will vanish from them.Ayat 22. Certainly, they are those who will be the greatest losers in the Hereafter.
English Translation of HadithHazrat Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) used to seclude himself (in the mosque) during the last ten nights of Ramadan. He would say, "Search for Lailat-ul-Qadr (Night of Decree) in the last ten nights of Ramadan.''
[Al-Bukhari Volume 3, Book 32, Number 237]
Lesson : We learn from this Hadith that:
1. One should concentrate more on prayers and worship on the last ten nights of Ramadan than the first twenty nights, in the same way as one should do more worship in Ramadan than in the other months.
2. One should keep oneself awake for prayer, worship and glorification of Allah in the last ten nights of Ramadan so that one can attain the blessings of Lailat-ul-Qadr.
3. One should also persuade his family members to keep themselves awake for prayer and worship in the last ten odd nights of Ramadan so that they can also make efforts to please Allah.
4. Itikaf (seclusion in the mosque for prayers) in the last ten days of Ramadan is also a meritorious act for its being a practice of the Prophet
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(Jazak Allah Khair) اللہ آپ کو آسانیاں عطا فرمائے۔جزاكم الله خيرا وأحسن الجزاء في الدنيا والأخرة__._,_.___Attachment(s) from Quran Forum
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..::¨`•*RamZaN MubRaK*¸.•`¨::..
.(¸.•*(¸.•*´ `*•.¸)*•.¸).
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